Terms and Condions for Employees
Future Bound Tech Soware Soluons
Table of Contents
1. Introducon and Company Overview
2. Scope and Applicability
3. Employment Terms
4. Code of Conduct
5. Intellectual Property Rights
6. Use of Company Resources
7. Performance Expectaons and Evaluaons
8. Leave Policies
9. Workplace Safety and Health
10. Informaon Security
11. Social Media and External Communicaons
12. Travel and Expense Policy
13. Professional Development
14. Disciplinary Procedures
15. Grievance Procedures
16. Terminaon of Employment
17. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitaon
18. Dispute Resoluon
19. Amendments to Terms and Condions
20. Acknowledgment and Acceptance
1. Introducon and Company Overview
Future Bound Tech Soware Soluons (hereinaer referred to as “the Company”) is a dynamic
startup dedicated to creang innovave soware applicaons, websites, and mobile apps. As we
embark on this excing journey of growth and technological advancement, we recognize that our
employees are our most valuable asset. This document outlines the terms and condions of
employment, seng clear expectaons and guidelines to foster a producve, creave, and
harmonious work environment.
1.1. Company Mission
Our mission is to revoluonize the soware industry by delivering cung-edge soluons that
empower businesses and individuals to thrive in the digital age.
1.2. Company Values
Innovaon: We constantly push the boundaries of whats possible in soware development.
Integrity: We conduct our business with the highest ethical standards.
Collaboraon: We believe in the power of teamwork and open communicaon.
Customer-Centric: Our clients’ success is our success.
Connuous Learning: We encourage personal and professional growth.
2. Scope and Applicability
2.1. These terms and condions apply to all employees of Future Bound Tech Soware Soluons,
regardless of their posion, role, or employment status (full-me, part-me, or contractual).
2.2. By accepng employment with the Company, all employees agree to abide by these terms and
condions, as well as any future amendments or addions.
2.3. These terms and condions should be read in conjuncon with the employee handbook, which
provides more detailed informaon on company policies and procedures.
2.4. In case of any conict between these terms and condions and any applicable laws or
regulaons, the laer shall prevail.
3. Employment Terms
3.1. Probaon Period
a) All new employees will undergo a probaon period of 45 days from the date of joining.
b) During this period, the Company will evaluate the employee’s performance, skills, and cultural t.
c) The Company reserves the right to extend the probaon period or terminate employment if the
employee’s performance is unsasfactory.
d) During the probaon period, either party may terminate the employment with one week’s noce.
e) Successful compleon of the probaon period will be communicated in wring to the employee.
3.2. Work Hours and Locaon
a) Standard work hours are 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, with a one-hour lunch
b) Employees may be required to work addional hours based on project needs and deadlines.
c) The Company may implement exible working hours or remote work policies at its discreon.
d) Employees are expected to be punctual and adhere to the agreed-upon work schedule.
e) Any changes to regular work hours must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
3.3. Compensaon and Benets
a) Salary will be paid monthly, on or Aer the 15th day of each month.
b) The Company may oer a comprehensive benets package, including health insurance, rerement
plans, and paid me o, as per the employee handbook.
c) Performance-based bonuses and salary revisions will be conducted annually based on individual
and company performance.
d) The Company may oer stock opons or other equity-based compensaon to eligible employees
as per the Company’s equity incenve plan.
e) All compensaon and benets are subject to applicable taxes and deducons as per local laws.
3.4. Employee Classicaon
a) Full-me employees: Those who work a standard 40-hour workweek and are eligible for all
company benets.
b) Part-me employees: Those who work less than 40 hours per week and may be eligible for pro-
rated benets.
c) Contract employees: Those hired for a specic project or me period, typically not eligible for
company benets.
d) Interns: Students or recent graduates engaged for a xed period to gain work experience.
3.5. Aendance and Time Tracking
a) Employees are required to maintain accurate records of their work hours using the Companys
designated me tracking system.
b) Regular aendance is crucial for job performance and team collaboraon.
c) Employees must nofy their supervisor as soon as possible in case of absence or delay.
d) Excessive absenteeism or tardiness may result in disciplinary acon.
4. Code of Conduct
4.1. Professional Behavior
a) Employees are expected to maintain a high standard of professional conduct at all mes.
b) Discriminaon, harassment, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
c) Employees must treat colleagues, clients, and partners with respect and courtesy.
d) Any form of violence, threats, or inmidaon is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate
e) Employees should dress appropriately for their role and adhere to any specic dress code
guidelines provided by the Company.
4.2. Condenality and Data Protecon
a) Employees must maintain strict condenality regarding the Companys proprietary informaon,
trade secrets, and client data.
b) All employees are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) as part of their employment
c) Unauthorized disclosure of condenal informaon may result in immediate terminaon and legal
d) Employees must comply with all data protecon laws and regulaons applicable to their work.
e) Any suspected data breach or security incident must be reported immediately to the IT
4.3. Conict of Interest
a) Employees must avoid any situaon that may create a conict of interest with the Company.
b) Any potenal conicts must be disclosed to the HR department immediately.
c) Employees are prohibited from engaging in any business acvies that compete with the
Company’s interests.
d) Accepng gis or favors from clients, suppliers, or competors that may inuence business
decisions is not allowed.
e) Employees must not use their posion within the Company for personal gain or to benet friends
or family members.
4.4. Substance Abuse and Workplace Safety
a) The use, possession, or distribuon of illegal drugs on Company premises is strictly prohibited.
b) Employees are not permied to work under the inuence of alcohol or drugs.
c) Smoking is only allowed in designated areas outside the Company premises.
d) Employees must comply with all safety regulaons and report any unsafe condions or accidents
e) The Company reserves the right to conduct drug tests if there is reasonable suspicion of substance
abuse aecng work performance.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1. All work produced by employees during their employment, including but not limited to soware
code, designs, and documentaon, is the sole property of the Company.
5.2. Employees agree to assign all intellectual property rights to the Company for any work-related
5.3. The Company retains the right to use, modify, and commercialize any intellectual property
created by employees during their tenure.
5.4. Employees must disclose any invenons, improvements, or discoveries related to the Company’s
business, whether patentable or not.
5.5. Upon terminaon of employment, employees must return all documents, data, and materials
containing intellectual property or condenal informaon.
5.6. The obligaons regarding intellectual property rights survive the terminaon of employment.
6. Use of Company Resources
6.1. Employees are responsible for the proper use and care of Company-provided equipment and
6.2. Company resources, including internet and email, should be used primarily for work-related
6.3. The Company reserves the right to monitor the use of its resources to ensure compliance with
6.4. Employees must not use Company resources for illegal acvies, personal gain, or in a manner
that could damage the Company’s reputaon.
6.5. Any loss, damage, or the of Company property must be reported immediately.
6.6. Upon terminaon of employment, all Company property must be returned in good condion.
6.7. Employees are prohibited from installing unauthorized soware on Company devices without
approval from the IT department.
7. Performance Expectaons and Evaluaons
7.1. Employees are expected to meet or exceed performance standards set by their managers.
7.2. Regular performance evaluaons will be conducted to assess employee progress and idenfy
areas for improvement.
7.3. Poor performance may result in performance improvement plans, or in severe cases,
terminaon of employment.
7.4. Employees are encouraged to seek feedback regularly and take iniave in their professional
7.5. The Company uses a goal-seng framework (e.g., OKRs or KPIs) to align individual and team
objecves with company goals.
7.6. Managers are responsible for providing clear expectaons, regular feedback, and support to
their team members.
7.7. Exceponal performance may be recognized through various means, including bonuses,
promoons, or other incenves.
8. Leave Policies
8.1. Employees are entled to paid me o as per the Companys leave policy, detailed in the
employee handbook.
8.2. All leave must be approved in advance by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
8.3. Unauthorized or excessive absences may result in disciplinary acon.
8.4. Types of leave include:
a) Annual leave
b) Sick leave
c) Parental leave
d) Bereavement leave
e) Public holidays
8.5. Unused annual leave may be carried forward to the next year, subject to a maximum limit as
specied in the employee handbook.
8.6. The Company observes all statutory public holidays. Employees required to work on public
holidays will be compensated as per applicable labor laws.
8.7. Extended unpaid leave may be granted in exceponal circumstances, subject to management
9. Workplace Safety and Health
9.1. The Company is commied to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees.
9.2. Employees must comply with all safety regulaons and guidelines provided by the Company.
9.3. Any workplace hazards or potenal safety issues must be reported immediately to the
designated safety ocer.
9.4. Regular safety training and drills will be conducted to ensure employee preparedness for
9.5. In case of an accident or injury at work, employees must seek immediate medical aenon and
report the incident to their supervisor.
9.6. The Company provides ergonomic equipment and guidelines to promote employee health and
prevent workplace injuries.
9.7. Employees are encouraged to take regular breaks and maintain a healthy work-life balance to
prevent burnout.
10. Informaon Security
10.1. Employees must adhere to the Company’s informaon security policies and procedures at all
10.2. Strong passwords must be used for all Company accounts and systems, and these should be
changed regularly.
10.3. Employees must not share their login credenals with anyone, including colleagues.
10.4. All sensive data must be encrypted when stored or transmied.
10.5. Employees must be cauous when using public Wi-Fi networks and ensure they use a VPN
when accessing Company resources remotely.
10.6. Any suspected security breaches or unusual system behavior must be reported to the IT
department immediately.
10.7. Regular security awareness training will be provided to all employees to keep them updated on
best pracces and potenal threats.
11. Social Media and External Communicaons
11.1. Employees must exercise cauon when posng on social media plaorms to avoid disclosing
condenal informaon or damaging the Companys reputaon.
11.2. Personal social media accounts should not be used to speak on behalf of the Company unless
explicitly authorized.
11.3. Employees must not engage in online discussions or debates that could negavely impact the
Company’s image or relaonships.
11.4. All external communicaons, including press releases and media interviews, must be
coordinated through the Company’s PR or Communicaons department.
11.5. Employees are encouraged to share Company-approved content on their personal social media
accounts to promote a posive brand image.
11.6. The Company reserves the right to request the removal of any content that violates these
guidelines or condenality agreements.
12. Travel and Expense Policy
12.1. All business travel must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor and comply with
the Companys travel policy.
12.2. Employees are expected to choose cost-eecve travel opons and accommodaons.
12.3. Expenses must be submied with proper documentaon (receipts) within 30 days of incurring
the expense.
12.4. The Company will reimburse reasonable and necessary business expenses as per the guidelines
in the employee handbook.
12.5. Personal expenses incurred during business travel will not be reimbursed by the Company.
12.6. Employees must comply with all applicable laws and regulaons while traveling on Company
13. Professional Development
13.1. The Company encourages connuous learning and professional growth of its employees.
13.2. Employees may be eligible for tuion reimbursement for relevant courses or cercaons,
subject to prior approval and successful compleon.
13.3. The Company may provide internal training programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance
employee skills.
13.4. Employees are encouraged to aend relevant industry conferences and events, subject to
management approval.
13.5. Knowledge sharing sessions and mentorship programs are promoted within the Company to
facilitate skill development.
14. Disciplinary Procedures
14.1. The Company follows a progressive disciplinary approach to address performance issues or
policy violaons.
14.2. Disciplinary acons may include verbal warnings, wrien warnings, suspension, or terminaon,
depending on the severity and frequency of the oense.
14.3. Employees will be given an opportunity to explain their acons before any disciplinary
measures are taken.
14.4. All disciplinary acons will be documented and kept in the employee’s personnel le.
14.5. Serious misconduct, such as the, fraud, or violence, may result in immediate terminaon
without prior warning.
15. Grievance Procedures
15.1. Employees are encouraged to raise any work-related concerns or grievances with their
immediate supervisor or the HR department.
15.2. All grievances will be treated condenally and invesgated promptly and imparally.
15.3. Employees have the right to appeal any decision made regarding their grievance to a higher
level of management.
15.4. The Company prohibits any form of retaliaon against employees who raise genuine concerns
or grievances.
15.5. If a grievance cannot be resolved internally, the Company may consider external mediaon as a
last resort.
16. Terminaon of Employment
16.1. The Company or the employee may terminate employment with one month’s noce or salary
in lieu thereof.
16.2. The Company reserves the right to terminate employment immediately in cases of gross
misconduct, breach of condenality, or other serious violaons of Company policies.
16.3. Upon terminaon, employees must return all Company property and sele any outstanding
16.4. Final selement of accounts, including any pending reimbursements or deducons, will be
processed within 30 days of the last working day.
16.5. The Company may conduct exit interviews to gather feedback and insights from deparng
16.6. It is important to note that salary payments will not be processed during the probaon period.
This phase is intended to allow both the company and the employee to evaluate their t and
alignment with the organizaon’s goals.
17. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitaon
17.1. During employment and for a period of 12 months aer terminaon, employees agree not to:
a) Work for or assist any compeng business.
b) Solicit any of the Companys clients or employees.
17.2. The non-compete clause is limited to the geographical areas where the Company operates or
has concrete plans to operate.
17.3. Employees must not use any condenal informaon obtained during their employment to
compete with the Company or solicit its clients or employees.
17.4. Any breach of the non-compete or non-solicitaon clauses may result in legal acon by the
18. Dispute Resoluon
18.1. Any disputes arising from employment will be resolved through internal grievance procedures.
18.2. If internal resoluon is not possible, disputes will be seled through arbitraon as per
applicable laws.
18.3. The arbitraon will be conducted by a mutually agreed-upon neutral arbitrator.
18.4. The decision of the arbitrator will be nal and binding on both pares.
18.5. Each party will bear its own costs associated with the arbitraon process.
19. Amendments to Terms and Condions
19.1. The Company reserves the right to amend these terms and condions as necessary.
19.2. Employees will be noed of any changes, and connued employment will be considered
acceptance of the amended terms.
19.3. Major changes to employment terms will be communicated with reasonable noce to allow
employees to review and discuss any concerns.
19.4. The most current version of these terms and condions will always be available in the
employee handbook or the Companys internal document repository.
20. Acknowledgment and Acceptance
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the above
terms and condions of employment at Future Bound Tech Soware Soluons. I understand that
failure to adhere to these terms and condions may result in disciplinary acon, up to and including
terminaon of employment.
Employee Name: ____________________
Employee Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Company Representave: ____________________
Company Representave Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________