c) Unauthorized disclosure of condenal informaon may result in immediate terminaon and legal
d) Employees must comply with all data protecon laws and regulaons applicable to their work.
e) Any suspected data breach or security incident must be reported immediately to the IT
4.3. Conict of Interest
a) Employees must avoid any situaon that may create a conict of interest with the Company.
b) Any potenal conicts must be disclosed to the HR department immediately.
c) Employees are prohibited from engaging in any business acvies that compete with the
Company’s interests.
d) Accepng gis or favors from clients, suppliers, or competors that may inuence business
decisions is not allowed.
e) Employees must not use their posion within the Company for personal gain or to benet friends
or family members.
4.4. Substance Abuse and Workplace Safety
a) The use, possession, or distribuon of illegal drugs on Company premises is strictly prohibited.
b) Employees are not permied to work under the inuence of alcohol or drugs.
c) Smoking is only allowed in designated areas outside the Company premises.
d) Employees must comply with all safety regulaons and report any unsafe condions or accidents
e) The Company reserves the right to conduct drug tests if there is reasonable suspicion of substance
abuse aecng work performance.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1. All work produced by employees during their employment, including but not limited to soware
code, designs, and documentaon, is the sole property of the Company.
5.2. Employees agree to assign all intellectual property rights to the Company for any work-related
5.3. The Company retains the right to use, modify, and commercialize any intellectual property
created by employees during their tenure.
5.4. Employees must disclose any invenons, improvements, or discoveries related to the Company’s
business, whether patentable or not.
5.5. Upon terminaon of employment, employees must return all documents, data, and materials
containing intellectual property or condenal informaon.
5.6. The obligaons regarding intellectual property rights survive the terminaon of employment.
6. Use of Company Resources